SI Move/Clone to Project

SI Move/Clone to Project

There is now a possibility to move/clone Single SI or in multiple SIs in Bulk between projects. This process is made out of 5 steps.

Where this option is located?

Let’s start with how to clone/move SI to another project. On the top of SI Table there’re gonna be buttons for those specific actions - more specifically to move/clone multiple SIs in Bulk:


For a single SI this option will be displayed on the right side of an SI under '3 vertical dots' button:


How to clone/move SI?

Cloning and Moving SI is made out of the same steps. The only difference is that moving SI will remove that SI from source project.

Step 1 (Target project)

Create or choose one of the SIs that you want to clone/move. On the right side click on ‘3 vertical dots’ button and click either “Clone to Project” or “Move to Project”:

Step 1
  • Clone with Subtasks:

    • if selected SI will be cloned or moved with its subtasks

  • Clone with calendars

    • If “Link to existing calendars” is checked, it will link existing calendars by name in target project and if there is no calendar by name in target project it will create a new one.

    • If “Link to existing calendars” is not checked, it will clone all calendars used in selected SI. If calendar name already exists in target project scheduler will add suffix to cloned calendar
      e.g. Calendar name [1], Calendar name [2] etc.

  • Link to existing calendars

    • If “Clone with calendars” is checked, it will link existing calendars by name in target project and if there is no calendar by name in target project it will create new one.

    • If “Clone with calendars” is not checked, it will use calendar in target project if name matches, otherwise it clones SI without calendar.

Step 2 (Mapping issue types)

Step 2
  • Selected Target project might have different issue type scheme. User will need to map Issue type to desired one before moving/cloning SI.

  • Step 2 also checks if mapped issue type has different issue type field schema. This will cause some field to be removed while cloning/moving.

  • If error occurs about missing fields there’s “Skip Errors” button which will ignore and allow to proceed with moving/cloning SI.

Step 3 (Mapping duplicated Scheduled Issues names)

With duplicate name




Without duplicate name

There are two ways to handle duplicated scheduled issues names:

  • leave right side field empty and let scheduler decide

  • pick name yourself.

Step 4 (Scheduled Issues transition mapping)

This step when cloning from Team-managed project is skipped going instead to Step 5.

No transitions used in a project
Transitions used in a project

This step is responsible for mapping used transitions in source project to transitions in target project.

If there are no transitions used in a project following messages like in screenshot on the left will be displayed.

If transitions are used user will have to pick initial status for SI like on screenshot on the right.

For version 3.7 scheduler only supports status. In the future all transitions will become available.

Step 5 (Summary of previous steps)

Step 5

In here user will have summarized of what will happen during that process.

After clicking “Clone” a validation of cloned SI will happen to check if cloned SI is valid.

Validation process

Step 5 (Summary of previous steps) Failure

Validation error

In case of failure to validate process will be stopped and in Error message column will be said of what happened.

Step 5 (Summary of previous steps) Success

Cloning process

If validation is successful process will continue to cloning/moving.

After the process dialog will disappear and in top right a pop up will say that the process was a success.

Pop up after the process

Now the cloned/moved SI can be viewed in targeted project.

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net