Ignore fail and proceed next time

Ignore fail and proceed next time

Since: 2.7.3, Jira hosting: Cloud

Please note that in Jira Server and Data Center, “Ignore fail and proceed on next execution time” option is not available.

“Ignore fail and proceed on next execution time” option is a solution for task failing, because of some Jira issue (e.g. active sprints missing).


The user has tasks being created every Monday but makes some changes on Friday. The following Monday Scheduler fails to create a task. Currently, user have to "fix" SI. Only then the task can be created next Monday.
After checking this option, the trigger will ignore such fails, and 'try' to create a task next time - since the condition might have changed and the task might be created without any edition of SI.

“Ignore fail and proceed on next execution time” option you can set on the first step of creation Scheduled Issue Wizard.


As you can see the creation of SI failed.


But the SI is still active and will try to create task on the next planned execution.


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