Upcoming Executions

Upcoming Executions

Jira: Cloud, Server, Data Center

Recently we introduced feature allowing to see the list of future execution, which is available in dropdown menu with more actions.

Upcoming executions location (Cloud)

By clicking on the button you will see the list of future executions:

Example of future executions for chosen Scheduled Issue (Cloud)

In Server you can also check Upcoming Executions from the Scheduled Issue preview page, using the Upcoming Executions option from More actions.

Upcoming executions cannot be checked from Scheduled Issue preview in Cloud.

In some cases there won’t be any dates visible because of the state of the Scheduled Issues, in table below you can see what you can expect:

Environment: Cloud

Environment: Cloud



Is table visible?

Message with action proposal




Manual Trigger

There are no planned executions!

You used Manual Trigger. To schedule upcoming executions please select recurring trigger.

Edit Trigger

with option Ignore Fail













Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net