Notifications for Failed & Incomplete executions

Notifications for Failed & Incomplete executions

Jira hosting: Cloud, Data Center

This feature allow you to send notifications to users, about failure or incomplete issue executions. It is located in Project Settings. Thanks to this, you will always be up to date with what is happening on your Jira.

Read how to configure and use your notifications on:

The Scheduler for Jira Cloud

From the "Projects" drop-down menu (1) please select a desired project, in which you plan to amend or add new Scheduler notification(s). After that please scroll down and access "Project Settings" (2).

On a newly loaded panel on the left hand go to "Apps" (1↓):

Open "Scheduler Notifications" (2↓):

As a result, you ought to get such view as presented below:

To add a notification, use "Add Notification" button as presented above (1↑):

You can set up notifications for:

  1. "Incomplete Issue Execution" ↓ - it would send an email when issue execution was interrupted and the whole job is not done (e.g. only 2 out of 4 sub-tasks were created):

From the "Recipients" drop-down menu you may also select:

"Reporter" - set reporter of the Scheduled Issue

"Explicit Assignee" - any particular (it doesn't include "Automatic Assignee") person that has been set as an "Assignee" in the Scheduler Issue Wizard.

2. "Failed Issue Execution" ↓ - this notification would be sent if at a planned time it is not created for some reason:

In this case, you can also set up recipient(s). It could be related to the Failed Scheduled Issue details. By doing so, you can send a message to a Reporter or an Assignee, or you can send a message to some custom email address.

Be advised in case of "Explicit Assignee" - currently it doesn't work for Automatic Assignee


3. If something goes wrong and failure message cannot be delivered to any of configured Recipients, there is an option to set a "Fallback Recipient" (1↙). For this recipient you can choose from your Jira users or add a custom email address.

We strongly recommend you to fill-in this field, to protect and enhance your business continuity.


Project Lead

Since: 2.9.0 Jira hosting: Cloud

We have added support for Project Lead as an option in recipients for Failed and Incomplete executions.

Remember that Project Lead email needs to be visible, more details in warning on page


The Scheduler for Jira Data Center

The Scheduler for Data Center allows to set notifications on two levels: global and project. On global level, Administrator is entitled to open Default Email Settings section in global settings and make appropriate changes.

Here you can read more about global settings: Global Settings

Administrator can enable notifications for only Failed Execution, only Incomplete execution, both of them or disable them completely using toggles (1).


If the “Enable editing in project settings” option (2) is checked, Project Administrators will be able to override global settings and adjust every field to meet the project needs in project settings (3). When this option is unchecked the global settings will be applied to all projects across Jira.

The Scheduler gives you the option to choose who will be a recipient of the email notification. This can be:

  • Owner - Creator of Scheduled Issue

  • Assignee

  • Reporter

  • Project Lead

  • Project Role

  • User

  • Group



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Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net