Failed Scheduled Issues

Failed Scheduled Issues

Jira hosting: Cloud, Server, Data Center

As you surely know, Jira is a truly complicated system, and also a highly-configurable one. While it is generally a huge benefit, as it allows you to do wonders and optimize it for your particular use-cases, it can also be great problem when it comes to the overall consistency. With all its configuration options, JIRA can be considered a dynamic system, which sometimes tends to break things. If you're a system administrator, you most likely understand that changing some piece of configuration in one place (like editing the workflow) can result in a problem in some other place.

This is also true for add-on like The Scheduler. Imagine that you've been using JIRA & The Scheduler for quite some time, you've set up a couple of Scheduled Issues and they were working as expected without any problems. Then, at some point, you decided that you want the "Component" field to be mandatory for all the issue types. You make the required change in JIRA configuration, but you've noticed that for some reason The Scheduler stopped creating the issues for you. The reason for that is because of such a configuration change, The Scheduler is no longer capable of creating the issues that do not have any component specified in their Issue Template.

Because of such situations, we've introduced a "Failed" state, which denotes that, for some reason, The Scheduler failed to execute and hence to create the issue. Whenever a "Failed" state is reached, you need to manually fix the Scheduled Issue by simply editing it and providing the required fields. Once you do that, the Scheduled Issue will get "Active" again and will start working again.




An alternative method for fixing scheduled issues marked with "Failed" state (1) is to simply press "Fix" button (2) and in the three-step wizard, correct the faulty value.

The quickest way to determine core of the issue is to hover mouse cursor over the "Failed" state (1). By doing so baloon prompt (2) will be presented:


Please note that in Server and Data Center, Scheduled Issue that causes failure is marked as “Invalid” (1).


However, “Failed” state occurs as an execution result that can be checked in the execution history.


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Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net