SI Import

SI Import


The Scheduler Cloud with version 3.6.0 introduces possibility to import SI.

In the documentation the process and all its features will be explained.

Exporting SIs

Let’s start with option already available in the past which is Export to CSV. While having SIs, above SI table there’s a button allowing you to export current SIs and their subtasks to .csv file.


Location of Export to CSV


Exported .csv can be viewed and edited for example in Notepad++ or Excel through Data → Get Data → From File → From Text/CSV for easier to read view.

View from Notepad++


View from Excel


Importing SIs

Exported SIs can be now imported through option Import from CSV located above SI table.


Location of Import from CSV


By clicking import button a small window pops up that allows to choose which .csv file to import.

Start of import - choosing file

When file is chosen the window will switch. Available SIs from file will be displayed with all fields and values.

Display of SIs from CSV file

By clicking Import SIs will be imported. Window pop up will switch to display if operation was a success and after closing it SI Table will contain imported SIs.

Operation result with number of imported SIs


SI Table with imported and earlier existing SIs

There are few things that can be used during import. They’ll be explained now.

SI Import and timezone

After choosing a file on the top of the table there is written current timezone. You can import SIs in different timezone by choosing one from the list.

Location of timezone field

By clicking on the name of current timezone list of available timezones will be displayed.


List of timezones

Here for example we’ll go with Europe/London.

Chosen timezone

After import SI Table will contain SI that will execute in different timezone.

SI x imported in Europe/London timezone

You can view timezone of imported SI be clicking 3 dots on the right and click Edit triggers.

Edit trigger option of imported SI


SI Import and duplicates

When importing a lot of SIs may happen that some of the names may reoccur. During import when list of SIs is read from the file Name conflict warning will appear. You can change the name of SI by clicking on it and typing a new one, skip duplicated SIs or override them.

Import window with Name conflict warning

Duplicates - Name change

Click on the name of marked SI and type in a new name.

Process of changing name of SI

Type in a new name and click on checkmark on anywhere on the pop up and the name will change.

Changed name of SI

Duplicates - Skip duplicates

Import with 2 SIs where one is a duplicate

Here we’ll Skip duplicates. By choosing this option duplicated SIs will be deselected.

Duplicated SI deselected

After importing only the selected SI will be imported.

Only 1 SI imported. Original SI stayed in SI Table.

Duplicates - Override duplicated

SI Import with one duplicate

Here we choose Override duplicated. By click this option duplicated SI will be marked with a warning mark.

Duplicated SI marked with a warning

By processing with import earlier existing SI will be replaced.

2 issues imported where one overridden


SI Import and subtasks

It’s possible export SI with subtasks however it is not possible to import SI with subtasks. Individual subtasks will be imported separately with issue type subtask.

During import when choosing file that contains SI with subtask a warning will appear.

Warning when importing subtask with SI

Subtasks - Keep as separate

When choosing option Keep as separate process will proceed to display list of SIs. Subtasks will be separated from original SI.

Subtasks are separated from main SI.

After closing import window SI Table will be shown with main SI and additional SI with subtask issue type.

List of SIs on the left and Preview of one of the imported subtasks

Subtasks - Omit subtasks

When choosing this option list of SIs will show only main SI, subtasks will not be displayed.

Omit subtasks option

To import proceed to change name or skip duplicate or override duplicate.


SI Import and custom fields

For default fields during import each column will have a corresponding name to it. However custom fields will be displayed with their ID. For example customfield_10096.

SI Import with custom fields

Jira Automation Rules

In Scheduler you can import .JSON files of Jira Automation Rules. Go to System → Global automation. Choose a rules tab and in there create a rule.

New Jira Automation Rule

Return to rules and you can export all created rules or individual rules

Export all rules
Export single rule

Now in Scheduler after obtaining .JSON file with exported rule click on Scheduled Issue Actions → Import Jira Automation rules from JSON.

Import JSON file option

Select JSON file and Jira Automation Rule will be imported as Scheduled Issue

View of Jira Automation rules available to import from JSON
Import Jira Automation rules as Scheduled Issues

For now When: must be a Scheduled trigger. Other rules with different triggers will be added in future updates.

Importing disabled rule will be imported as inactive Scheduled Issue

Basic Scheduled trigger will be converted to Schedulers Interval/Cron trigger

More frequent triggers like 1h will be converted to Schedulers Interval/Advanced Cron equivalent of running every 1 hour

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