Scheduled Issue Concept
Jira hosting: Cloud, Server, Data Center
A Scheduled Issue consists of two elements: an Issue Template, and a Trigger Definition, which you define using a user-friendly wizard.
Key elements:
Issue Template
Issue template is basically a definition of an issue you plan to create. You can define it using a form that closely resembles JIRA's native "Create Issue" form (with a few exceptions, described later on):
As presented on the following image, scheduled issue wizard consists of three steps. in total "Issue details" (1) is a second screen and bears a resemblance to Jira "Create Issue" screen itself, so it should not pose any problems with filling it with needed data.
For issue templates we support all JIRA issue types, and most of the field types (with "Attachment" being an exception). You can get into it after accessing a particular project - see below:
1 - Please access the desired project by using the drop-down menu "Projects";
2 - Enter "Scheduled Issues";
3 - Issue Template is to appear after clicking on "Create" button. After this, wizard will guide you through further steps.
Trigger Definition
Once you define a template, you can specify how often The Scheduler should create the issue for you. You can either use the user-friendly trigger picker, or simply provide a Quartz cron expression to define the interval. This is set on the final stage (1), after clicking "Create" (or "Update" in case of previously created scheduled issue edition) button, as presented. The below illustrates its location:
and here's how "Cron" trigger type looks:
Manual Scheduled Issues
That being said, Trigger Definition is actually optional - you can simply create a "Manual" (1) Scheduled Issue that you can then execute manually from the Scheduled Issues tab panel. This is a perfect solution if you want to simply define a number of Issue Templates that you would rather create "on demand" than to create them periodically.
As for the information presented above (2) - "Execute" button is located in the "Action" column. Check here, to get more information about its precise location.
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