Managing Subtasks

Managing Subtasks

Any Scheduled Issue in the SI table can have a single or multiple sub-tasks. If any sub-task is added to the Scheduled Issue, the standard execution includes also creation of the sub-task that is link to the parent task. Thanks to this an issue created automatically by Scheduler does not need to be manually updated every time by adding constantly the same sub-tasks.

Managing sub-tasks is slightly different in Jira Cloud and in Data Center:

Sub-tasks in Cloud

Limit of sub-tasks

User in The Scheduler for Jira Cloud by default can create maximum 10 sub-tasks per one Scheduled Issue.

If you want to extend a number of sub-tasks, contact our support with this using the following link:
Technical support

In your request please contain the URL of your Jira instance and information about a number of sub-tasks that will be satisfactory for you.

Creating sub-tasks

Sub-tasks in The Scheduler for Jira Cloud are managed in a dedicated modal. To reach it user can click +Add button placed next to the name of the Scheduled Issue (1).

Scheduled Issues table in The Scheduled for Jira Cloud

The other option is to open details of Scheduled Issue and click Manage subtasks button in the modal.

Manage subtasks button in Scheduled Issue preview

A new Manage sub-tasks modal should be displayed. When there are no yet any subtasks added to selected Scheduled issue user can see a short instruction, +Add subtask button and link to the documentation about variables in issue templates.

Manage subtasks

After clicking +Add subtask button, a screen with a form should be loaded. User have to fill obligatory fields like Subtask name, Issue Type, Initial issue status, or other optional fields.

Creating subtask

After pressing Create new linked sub-task will be created and "No subtasks created" information will disappear.

On the left user can see a list of existing sub-tasks as well as limit of sub-tasks for your Jira instance (by default it’s 10).

Manage subtasks after adding first subtask


After submitting recently created sub-tasks, +Add Subtask button will become active again, allowing you to create more dedicated subtasks.

Operations on sub-tasks

When sub-tasks are added to the Scheduled Issue, there are operations that can be done on them.

User have possibility to clone, remove or edit created sub-tasks.

Editing sub-tasks is possible by clicking on the name of sub-tasks on the list. After that, user should see a form with subtasks data on the right. User can modify any data and click Save to save changes.

After clicking clone icon, a new sub-task will be automatically filled with data that have been provided for source sub-task. User need to confirm cloning action by clicking Clone button .

Operations on subtask

Cloning existing subtask

When some sub-tasks are no longer used, it can be deleted by clicking on the “Bin” icon and confirm your action.

Deleting subtask

Other issue types

In Manage subtasks we allow to use different issue types however the parent Scheduled Issue has to be higher hierarchy. By default the highest hierarchy has Epic issue type which allows to use Bug, Story and Task as issue types in Manage Subtasks.

Epic SI
Manage subtasks for Epic SI

Be mindful of the hierarchy. Editing SI from Epic issue type to the one with same hierarchy or even lower hierarchy as added earlier subtasks will give error.

Hierarchy error - same hierarchy issue types as subtasks and SI
Subtask as parent SI error

Subtasks in Server, Data Center

Subtasks in Server and Data Center can be managed from Scheduled Issue details page. You can add them to any Scheduled Issue in Jira in two ways. Go to Scheduled Issue details page and click on the “+Add” button (1) or Add Sub-Task in More actions (2).

Adding sub-tasks from SI details view, Data Center

Both operations result in displaying the following prompt on your screen. You can set here all details of sub-task. Remember, fields that will be displayed depend on the settings in your Jira project.

Fill all important information and create a sub-task using “Add” (1) button.

In Scheduled Issue details page you should see that sub-task has been created (1). If you want to do some changes you can click on the edit button (2). Then you should see similar prompt as during creation. Confirm changes clicking on “Save” button.

Subtask can be also removed easily using the delete button (4) or trash icon (3).


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Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net