Sprint field - Pattern option

Sprint field - Pattern option

In 2nd step of SI Wizard new option is present for assigning issues created by Scheduler to Sprints called Pattern available in company-managed projects.


Parallel sprints for company-managed projects

Before you can use this option you have to enable Parallel sprints for company-managed projects. This option can be found by going first top right corner click on cog wheel → Products → Jira configuration and in there this feature can be enabled.


With this option you can have multiple Sprints running at the same time.


Pattern option allows you to assign issues to Sprints simply by stating part of the name of the Sprint. There are four options to choose from:

Start with

Simply by stating the beginning of Sprints name Scheduler after execution will search for Sprint that begins with what was stated in the field and assign issue to it.

End with

By stating the end of Sprints name Scheduler after execution will search for Sprint that ends with what was stated in the field and assign issue to it.


Just by stating part of Sprints name Scheduler after execution will search for Sprint that contains what was stated in the field and assign issue to it.

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