Importing Backup Procedure

Importing Backup Procedure

Jira hosting: Server, Data Center

Once you've exported your Scheduled Issues using Export functionality, you can then import the file.

Export functionality is described here: Export Backup Procedure

Import feature is a part of whole backup procedure. Backup of Scheduled Issues is recommended before making major update eg. from The Scheduler 5.x to 6.x. It was designed to import Scheduled Issues from the same instance then the upgrade process is finished.

Scheduled Issues are imported to the project with project ID given in the file. Therefore If you try to import Scheduled Issues to a different Jira instance or, ID of your projects changed, you need to adjust XML file so that Scheduled Issues could be imported to the correct projects.

How to import Scheduled Issues

As a Jira Administrator go to Jira Administration (1), Manage Apps (2), and head to Import Scheduled Issues (3).

Click Browse button (4) to open file explorer and select XML file with exported Scheduled Issues.

Import Scheduled Issues page

When file has been selected, user should see two import options: “Import Scheduled Issues from all projects” and “Import Scheduled Issues from selected projects only”. If you have XML with only one project, you can still choose option “Import Scheduled Issues from all projects”. In this case, all the data you have and can import is just this one project.

Second option requires also selecting projects to which issues will be imported.

To select only particular projects use "ctrl" button during selection - by doing so you can import only things of particular interest or importance and avoid unnecessary clutter.

Once you click the "Import" (3) button, the operation will start. You will be notified when it is completed:


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