Enabling or Disabling a Scheduled Issue

Enabling or Disabling a Scheduled Issue

Jira hosting: Cloud, Server, Data Center

The Enable / Disable action is the fastest way to enable / disable Scheduled Issue without entering the Edit wizard.

The disabled Scheduled Issue will not perform the planned action (create new Issue or increase priority of lastly created one).

If you want to disable Scheduled Issue choose one of the following ways to do so:

  • Access Scheduled Issues (1) in a given project, then click on the More (2) → Disable (3). Any other issue with "Inactive" (4) state can be set as active again if using this method, upon selecting "Enable" from the drop-down menu.

  • Or, enter Scheduled Issue's details page and toggle between Inactive/Active buttons (1):

This action is not available in Cloud.

You can enable Scheduled Issue in the similar way, as described on the top of this page:

  • Access Scheduled Issues (1) in a given project, then click on the More (2) → Enable (3).

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net