Setting an Automatic Linking Between Issues

Setting an Automatic Linking Between Issues

Jira hosting: Server, Data Center

Automatic Linking between issues is not available in Cloud

Since 4.0.6 version of The Scheduler you can choose the following linking options in the Scheduled Issue basic info:

  • Link new issue with previously created issue

To select that option (1), you have to tick the following checkbox on the first screen:

After choosing that option, new issue created by this Scheduled Issue will be created with the previously created one (first issue linked with the second, second with the third etc...)

  • Link also with all previously created issues by this Scheduled Issue

This option (2) will become visible and available for selection, after choosing "Link new issue with previously created issue" option, like on the following screen:

Enabling this option causes that newly created issues will be linked with all issues previously created by this Scheduled Issue.


Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net