Delete a Scheduled Issue

Delete a Scheduled Issue

Jira hosting: Cloud, Server, Data Center

There are two ways to delete a single Scheduled Issue:

  • From the Scheduled Issues table (1), click (next to any listed Scheduled Issue) "More" (2) →  Delete (Remove in Cloud) (3):

  • From Scheduled Issue details page (like from a one displayed above, access any scheduled issue that you wish to delete), click More (1) → Delete (2):

In Cloud, there is no option to delete Scheduled issue from the Scheduled Issue details view.

Once Delete action is executed the confirmation dialog opens:

After clicking the "Delete" button a scheduled issue is irreversibly removed.

You can also remove Scheduled Issues in bulk (the ones you own and those that have been shared with you). For details visit this page: Bulk scheduled issues operations.

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net