Creating new issue when previous issue has resolution

Creating new issue when previous issue has resolution

When you want to create new issues only when the previously created issue have a resolution set.

Step-by-step guide

  1. On the 1st step of the wizard, check: "Increase priority each time this scheduled issue is executed" with option: "create new issue when previous issue has a resolution"

  2. On the 2nd step chose starting priority level, when you press "?" you can see all priority levels in order.

  3. On 3rd step pick a trigger, how often would you like increase the priority / create a new task, (for the purpose of this example trigger expression represents execution every 1 minute)

  4. Increase priority / None / create issue - depends on trigger intervals, in the example below, scheduled issue was created with highest priority, at the time of next occurance, The Scheduler checked if issue is resolved, if "NO" and it is still "unresolved" the scheduler will increase issue priority. In our example it was the highest priority so the scheduler do nothing.

  5. When task PM-17 is resolved and the time of next execution comes, Scheduler creates new task PM-18 and check it based on interval if its resolved.

Note: that creation of issues is linked with the first issue creation date, issue resolution and it is checked based on triggers.

It doesn't mean that the task will be created right after you set the resolution. e.g:

A) If you have a task running every 15 days, and you resolve it after 3 days, new issue will be created after 15 days from the creation of the first issue.

B) If you have a task running every 15 days, and you resolve it after 16 days, new issue will be created after 30 days from the creation of the first issue, (because after 15 issue was not resolved)

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