How to add watchers to the Scheduled Issue

How to add watchers to the Scheduled Issue

Jira: Cloud

Adding watchers is not supported by The Scheduler in the form of separate, dedicated field in Scheduled Issue wizard. However there is an option to add watchers already during the Scheduled Issue creation.

At the second step of Scheduled Issue wizard, the Scheduler uses Jira fields that are configured for a particular project. Therefore for Scheduled Issue, you can use also the instruction, that is prepared by Atlassian for standard Jira issues: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-add-watchers-or-request-participants-during-issue-creation-1026039857.html.

In the above instruction the following steps are recommended by Atlassian to create opportunity for adding watchers to Scheduled Issue creation:

I. Create a custom field and add it to the appropriate Create Issue screen

Two types of custom fields can be used there: User Picker (single user) or User Picker (multiple users). User Picker (single user) should be chosen when users will be entitled to choose only one watcher. When you want to have option to include more watchers in this field, select User Picker (multiple users).

II. Add workflow post-function

  1. Click the Create Issue transition

  2. Click the Post Functions link on the transition pop-up

  3. Click "Add Post Function"

  4. Choose the "Copy Value From Other Field" Post Function and click "Add"

  5. Select the newly created custom field as the Source Field and Watchers as the Destination Field. If the custom fields don't appear, start typing their names to be able to select them.

  6. Select the "Copy within same issue" option and click "Add"

  7. Publish your workflow draft so the changes are effective

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