How to use Owner in The Scheduler (Data Center, Server)

How to use Owner in The Scheduler (Data Center, Server)

Jira hosting: Data Center, Server

Since the 6.6.7 version of The Scheduler for Data Center, the role of Owner and Creator are separated.

The Owner of scheduled issue can be changed, so every Jira user (with correct permissions) can be set in that field. This field is different than reporter, and it’s recording the original source of issue creation.

The Creator is the user who creates the scheduled issue template - in issue history you can check who created issue.

In Cloud, apps have dedicated users for performing app actions ( How to find issues created by The Scheduler (Cloud) ), in Data Center (an Server) you need to create such user on your own.

To get more information, check the following sections:

How to set The Scheduler as an Owner

If you want the Owner field to indicate that this issue was created by The Scheduler, you need to create “The Scheduler” user. You can use any other user, but it’s a common practice to use some ‘bot’ user to perform actions/scripts on behalf of users. The benefit of such ‘fake’ user is that it will be constant, and it makes certain scripts/actions robust - not affected by people leaving/joining company. The downside is that this ‘bot’ user need to be active - it will take 1 license seat. It’s for you to decide if it’s worth it

  1. Go to user management (2) in Jira administration (1). The list of all users should be displayed.

    Opening user management page

  2. Click Create user button (1).

    List of users
  3. Input the email address, full name, username, and password for a new user - The Scheduler. You can use any data you want, but remember that this can be ‘power’ user, depending on permissions which you will grant to that use, Make sure that access to that accounts email inbox should be limited, but accessible by you (or your team) e.g. in case of password recovery etc.
    As for the user we recommend using “The Scheduler” as the full name and username. But it’s up to you, maybe you already have some “bot” user to perform some actions, and it can be used as The Scheduler user

To set avatar for new user you can use one of the following app icons:

  File Modified

PNG File the-scheduler-logo-v1.png

16/Nov/22 by Aleksandra Pykacz (Unlicensed)

PNG File the-scheduler-logo-v2.png

16/Nov/22 by Aleksandra Pykacz (Unlicensed)


When all required fields will be filled, finish creation using Create user button.

The Scheduler profile has been created (1) and it appeared in the list of users in user management section.


Now you can use this user, when you want your issues to be marked as created by The Scheduler (1).

Remember that a new user should have appropriate permissions to use the app and create issues.

The Scheduler should have The Scheduler: Access permission on the global level. Project permissions requires also The Scheduler: Use, Browse Project, and Create Issue permission.

To read more about The Scheduler permissions, visit: Permissions

Benefits of The Scheduler as an Owner of scheduled issue

Email notifications for issues created by The Scheduler

A separate profile for The Scheduler gives several benefits. One of them is that you can receive email notifications when an issue will be created by the app.

To do so, you need to have an “Issue Created” event (1) defined in the notification scheme of your project.

You also need to set The Scheduler user as an Owner (3) and the reporter (4) in the first and second step of scheduled issue wizard.

If the above conditions are met, both manual and automatic execution should result in sending an email notification to users selected in the notification scheme (2) with the information that The Scheduler has created an issue (5).

Finding issues created by The Scheduler

If you mark your issues as created by The Scheduler, you can also find them easily in your Jira instance.

Below are presented some ways of finding the issues created by The Scheduler. All of them will be a good choice when Owner is set as The Scheduler (view: How to set the scheduler as creator).

If you want another user to be a creator of issue, you can find issues only using dedicated JQL functions.

Issue history

You can notice this in the history (1) of a single issue created by The Scheduler (2):

Issue details

There is also an option to check if this issue has been created by The Scheduler in issue details (1). User can also see which Scheduled issue template generated an issue and see the next planned occurrence (2).

Basic search for issue creator

Since all issues are created by app, you can search by this user. Selecting The Scheduler (3) as a creator (2) filters all issues and returns those that have been generated from the Scheduled Issue template (4).

JQL search

The list of issues (2) generated by The Scheduler will be also displayed using a simple JQL filter (1):

creator = "The Scheduler"

Dedicated JQL functions

If you don’t want to create a separate profile for The Scheduler or you want other Jira users to be set as a creator of issues, you can use our dedicated JQL functions. They allow users to find issues created with the manual and automatic execution of Scheduled issue, regardless of the creator.

You can read more about them here:

Dedicated JQL functions

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net