How to find issues created by The Scheduler (Cloud)
Jira hosting: Cloud
All issues created by app (either from manual or automatic execution) are created by The Scheduler - Jira app user. In Cloud the creator cannot be changed.
Ways of finding issues created by The Scheduler:
Issue history
You can notice this In the history (1) of a single issue created by The Scheduler (2):
Issue details
There is also an option to check if this issue has been created by The Scheduler in Issue details (1). User can also see which Scheduled issue template generated an issue and see the next planned occurrence (2).
Advanced search for Creator
Since all issues are created by app, you can search for this user. Selecting The Scheduler (3) as a Creator (2) filters all issues and returns those that have been generated from the Scheduled Issue template (4).
JQL search
The list of issues generated by The Scheduler will be also displayed using a simple JQL filter (1):
creator = "The Scheduler"
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