Gathering information about Scheduled Issue job in Jira internal scheduler

Gathering information about Scheduled Issue job in Jira internal scheduler

If you want to search for Scheduled Issue trigger jobs in Jira internal scheduler, you need to determine ID of Scheduled Job that you are investigating. You can find it in Scheduled Issue Details Page URL, which you can access from Scheduled Issue list in project:

This URL should be in format: "http://<jira_url>/projects/FSP?selectedItem=pl.com.tt.jira.plugin.theschedulerpro:scheduled-issues-project-tab-panel-link&scheduledJobId=XX", where XX is the Scheduled Issue ID.

Now when you have Scheduled Issue ID, you can find its triggers in Jira internal scheduler by performing following steps:

  • As Jira Administrator, navigate to Jira Administration → System, and click into Scheduler Details link on the right (or use shortcut '.' period to open Jira search dialog, and search for "Scheduler Details"):

  • On the opened page, find group with name "The Scheduler Job" and click "Show More":

  • Find all trigger jobs that contains in name "SJ ID: XX", where XX is Scheduled Issue ID obtained in earlier steps.

If everything is fine, trigger list should look like in the following example:

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