Why all Scheduled Issues turn into Inactive Automatically?

Why all Scheduled Issues turn into Inactive Automatically?

Some of our customers are facing issue when all Scheduled Issues are turned inactive.

We have investigated this case with Atlassian (and one of our customers): 

The root cause in summary was the exact same time of execution of many issues, it was firing 403 error (licence missing), while it was a timeout issue, but as our app gets response from Jira about missing license, the SI's were deactivated.

As a solution:

Please try to spread creation of sets of your issues by 1 minute eg. in 5-10 minute window.


Please vote for this ticket in Atlassian support system, as it related to issue and will help to fix it: 


In case ticket don't get much attention, we will try to figure out some other solution, to prevent this situation from happening ( SC-531 )

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Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net