Increasing priority each time Scheduled Issue is executed
Jira hosting: Data Center
In Jira, the priority of issues can be changed manually. However, with the increasing priority feature, you no longer need to remember about increasing the priority of created tasks.
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Configuring Increase priority option
This feature enables increasing the priority of the latest issue created within one Scheduled Issue. Priority change is triggered by the planned execution of the Scheduled Issue.
To set automatic priority increasing in the Scheduled Issue you need to mark “Increase priority each time this scheduled issue is executed” checkbox in the SI wizard on the first step of Scheduled Issue creation (Set Basic Info) (1). After selecting this checkbox, two additional options should appear (2). These two options give three possible ways of configuration:
Create new issue when the previous issue has resolution
This option makes increasing priority dependent on the status of the task. Priority of the issue will be changing as long as this issue is unresolved (or up to maximum value). However if the issue will be resolved before reaching maximum priority the priority will not be changed automatically to maximum.
There is also a possibility that task will not be resolved before reaching maximum priority. In that case no issue will be created from this scheduled job until status of the task changes to resolved or scheduled issue will be executed manually. Executions will still be triggered though but with no result (1).
Create new issue when priority has max value
For users who do not want to make increasing priority dependent on the issue state, there is a “Create new issue when priority has max value” option. With this configuration after reaching maximum priority, a new issue is created (2). Issue will be created even if the previous one has been unresolved.
Create new issue when the previous issue has resolution or create new issue when priority has max value
Scheduled Issue can be also configured with both options selected - creating new issue when the previous issue has resolution or creating new issue when priority has max value.
When both options are selected, priority is increased up to maximum value, and then a new task is created (3).
The cycle of increasing priority and creating new issues can be also interrupted by resolving task. When issue is resolved before it reaches the max priority (4) a result of next execution is creating a new issue (5).
Regardless of the additional configuration, when issue created from SI with enabled increasing priority is deleted, an upcoming execution always results in creating a new issue.
Changing priority of issue manually can also affect number of upcoming executions resulting in an increase in priority. As the user manually decreases priority, number of such executions increase. If user manually increases priority, number of such executions will be reduced.
Increasing priority feature for automatic and manual executions
As it was mentioned in the above sections, the increasing priority option can be configured in three ways. Depending on the configuration, the planned executions will results in different actions. However, regardless of whether your scheduled issue will be executed automatically or manually, the execution result will be the same. With automatic executions you can control future actions in upcoming executions. In the case of manual executions, we have also introduced information in the modal about what the results of such execution will be.