How to add 'watchers' to issues created with The Scheduler

How to add 'watchers' to issues created with The Scheduler

Jira: Server, Data Center

The Scheduler displays fields available on ‘create issue screen’, Jira watchers field is not a type of field which can be included on creation screen. However, there is a workaround, with a use of 3rd party app: Watcher Custom Field for Jira

  1. Install and configure app.
    (Create watchers field type, include this field on create issue screens, set/adjust project permissions)

    1. Here you can see this field added to create issue screen:

    2. When issue is created, you can see this field and updated watchers field:

  2. Now let’s use it with The Scheduler:

    1. For a quick use, I’ve scheduled the issue created in 1st step, as you can see watchers field on 2nd step of the wizard is already filled with users:

    2. I’ve filled all the details and executed Scheduled Issue manually:

Done. Now you can easily manage watchers while creating Scheduled Issues.

Looking for Cloud solution? Visit: How to add watchers to the Scheduled Issue

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net