Cannot set Request Type in Jira Cloud

Cannot set Request Type in Jira Cloud

From time to time we are getting support tickets asking us to add Request Type (available in Service Desk projects).

We investigated this case, it is an issue on Atlassian's site - until it's fixed Request type won't be available (issue created:25/Nov/2014).


We've contributed to the case (09/Oct/2017) but It's not fixed yet.

Please vote for this issue and leave comment, maybe Atlassian's Team will look at this again

We have such an improvement to add ,, Request Type" field to The Scheduler Create Screen in our backlog

Oct 13, 2022 As we can see the current status of this issue is , "In progress" on the Atlassian Service Desk."

Jul 26, 2023 “Request type” field has been added to The Scheduler Create Screen.


Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net