Manual Execution features

Manual Execution features

Jira hosting: Server, Data Center (since: v6.3.0.), Cloud (since v2.7.3)

Scheduled Issues can be used as templates, you can use them for your own tasks or use scheduled issue as a team task template.

If you share template among team members, you probably need to do a lot of editing especially in user-related fields like Reporter, Assignee, or some Custom user picker fields. Or maybe each of your team members have almost exact same tasks with only the difference in Assignee.

We came up with a solution for that!

Each of the user picker fields in the 2nd step of the wizard, have a checkbox to “Set current user as ‘field’ on manual executions”. If you check it under Assignee field, then when Scheduled Issue is manually executed, the user who triggered the creation of Jira issue will be set as an Assignee and also should be set in the visible on the screenshot “Custom User Picker”.

Feature is not yet fully compatible with multi user pickers: it overrides all values, we will update documentation, when it's ready.

This way your templates can be more diverse and usable for all team members. Here you can see the execution history done manually by 3 different users. Admin Istrator is a reporter in all of the cases:

Here you can see those issues in Jira (feature “See in issue navigator”, from Execution history dialog), in list view to show user columns:

To search for issues created with The Scheduler you can use our: Dedicated JQL functions

Use Scheduled Issue as a template and create issue in the desired status

Moreover, with new feature of setting up the initial status … your users can use those templates right away and when they create the issue it can be transitioned to the 'In progress” status.

Let’s see this in action. Here we change only 1 thing in the template:

Now let's execute it, by the same users, in the same order. This time let’s see this in Execution history dialog (notice “See in issue navigator” link):

And again in JQL:

Here is one of the best outcomes of combining both of these features, if you are using e.g. kanban board, issues after manual execution will end up in the correct column and save you lots of editing:

Now you can use The Scheduler as a template tool and customize your created issues with users triggering the issue creation. Enjoy!

Here you can read about kanban board and new feature: Set status on issue creation

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Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net