Why am I getting "Timeout" alert every now and then?

Why am I getting "Timeout" alert every now and then?

If you open one of The Scheduler pages in JIRA (like "Scheduled Issues" tab panel) and leave it open for 1 hour, you'll notice a warning alert asking you to refresh the page. This is because The Scheduler uses so-called JWT tokens to authenticate the communication between its server and your browser, and this token has a validity limit. Unfortunately, as of now, we cannot automatically extend its lifespan, which means that you will need to refresh the page after 1 hour of inactivity. We're hoping that Atlassian will soon provide us with a way of "refreshing" the token under-the-hood, so that we could do it in the background and hence do not need you to refresh the page. As soon as it's possible, we'll get rid of that alert!

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net