Before migration - requirements and understand limitations

Before migration - requirements and understand limitations

Not all data from The Scheduler Server (or DC) is migrated to Cloud.

Dear customers,

We kindly request that you reach out to us if any issues arise during the migration process. We understand that Atlassian offers a variety of add-ons and custom fields that often require individual handling from our end.

In case of any difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact us so that we can prepare the migration to suit your needs.

Thank you for your cooperation


  • Enable migration dev mode

    Go to page <jira-server-base-url>/secure/admin/SiteDarkFeatures!default.jspa and add migration-assistant.app-migration.dev-mode in text box and submit (it allows you to test migration path)

Won’t be migrated

  • Calendars (global & project)
    Calendars in cloud are a bit simpler and limited by the way data can be stored.

  • Scheduled Issues ownership
    In Server/DC there is an “Owner”, and templates can be shared with other users.
    In Cloud everyone with access to app in project has the same rights and The Scheduler is the ‘Owner’.

  • Execution history
    There is a difference in recognition if issue was created by app, not everything can be restored on Cloud.
    You won’t see all issues created from particular SI.

  • Text formatting
    For example when you migrate bolded text in description field then after migration you will get it’s text representation (in this case *Text*)

Limited migration

  • Max 10 subtasks
    When you migrate Scheduled Issue with more than 10 subtasks, only 10 will be migrated. 10 subtasks is the app limit.
    Note: On request, we can increase your subtasks limit. In that case, the limitation during migration process will be the same as on the Jira Cloud instance.


  • Clean up
    Remove not used templates, if you are keeping old templates just to have access to that template execution history - it won’t be migrated. That’s why it is better to build some Jira filter or add some new/special label to mark those issues

  • Clean up, again
    Migration is a great opportunity to make some adjustments and removal of not used templates. Again remove unnecessary and not used templates.

Data Security in terms of migration

Here you can read about it: Data Security and Privacy Statement | Migration from server to cloud concerns

Related content

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net