Migrating The Scheduler
This page will be continuously updated with migration related info.
Make sure there are no ongoing incidents before migrating: Status Page
From Server to Cloud
This is probably the most important migration path for all of our customers, to move from Jira Server to Jira Cloud. We are in process of bring both apps closer together. We did some background work and under the hood changes in both apps, but it's a slow process.
Migration is Ready!
Since: v6.5.0 Jira Server and Data Center
Since: v2.13.1 Jira Cloud
We are happy to announce that our app The Scheduler is ready for migration to Jira Cloud. On the Jira Server you need to have The Scheduler installed in at least v6.5.0, and latest version of JCMA (Jira Cloud Migration Assistant).
Here you can read more about the process:
Main differences
In table below we gathered some of the most important differences between The Scheduler version for Jira Server and Jira Cloud. The main focus is to show you options missing in Cloud version.
We are constantly working on bringing both apps closer together, keep in mind Server (& DC) app is already mature (developed since 2010 vs 2017 for Cloud version) and not everything can be easily implemented.
Feature | Server (& Data Center) | Cloud |
Multiple triggers for scheduled issue | Yes | No (in consideration) |
Workflow triggers | Yes | No |
Export/Import | Yes | Only SI export is supported now |
SI privacy/share/access | Yes Owner and administrators have access to SI | No On project level everyone with access to app have same access to SI |
Global SI page | Yes | No (in consideration) |
Number of subtasks under SI | Unlimited | 10 (can be increased on request via the following link: https://psc-software.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/10/group/12/create/114 ) |
Scheduling existing Jira issue with its subtasks | Yes | No |
Moving SI between projects | Yes | No |
App access granted on
| G |