Cannot find Active Sprint while creating new Scheduler Issue

Cannot find Active Sprint while creating new Scheduler Issue

Some of our clients are facing with problem that cannot find Active Sprint while creating new Scheduler Issue. This situation happen when Sprint field is added to the create issue in project A which is set as “company-managed”, but Sprints are not available in “company-managed” projects. Additionally software project B might used mixed board - using more than one project A, B, C, then although user can add issue from this project A to Sprint, it’s not designed to work this way.

Why The Scheduler can not find the active sprint if there exists?

The Scheduler is not able to find the sprint if you have got business project type. Sprints are not available in this kind type of project. To fix that you need to create new “Software” project and move all your issues to this new project, then recreate all scheduled issues.


How to change the type of project?

You must have the Administer Jira global permission to do the things on this page.

Based on: https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiracloud/convert-project-to-a-different-template-or-type-966673096.html

1. Create a new project to receive your team’s work.

To create a new project:

  1. Choose Projects and select a project, or choose View all projects to visit the projects directory.

  2. Select Create project.

  3. Click Change Template, choose Software from top left drop-down list and choose Scrum in Company-managed project or Try a Team-managed project.

  4. Double Check that the project you’re creating is the right template. If not, click Change template, and select from the templates you have access to. You can switch between Company-managed and Team-managed project templates using the link at the bottom of the screen.

  5. Enter a name for your new project, and hit Create.

2. Start the migration process.

  1. Now that your new project is ready, you need to find the issues from your current project and move them into the new one. To make bulk changes to issues, you need to filter them in Jira’s issue navigator:

    1. Choose Filters in the navigation bar.

    2. From the sidebar, select All issues.

    3. Click the Project filter, and select the project you want to migrate from. If you're looking at the Advanced searching mode, you need to select Basic.

    4. In the top-right corner, select more (•••) > Bulk change all.

3. Bulk move issues into their new home.

  1. Select the issues you want to migrate and hit Next.

  2. Select Move Issues and hit Next.

  3. On the Select Projects and Issue Types screen, select where the issues from your old project will go. Select a destination project and issue type, and hit Next. This is the issue type that each issue in your old project will become in the new project.

  4. On the Map Status for Target Project screen, select a destination status for each status in your old project. This is the status that each issue in your Team-managed project will take on in the new project.

  5. On the final screen, click Confirm.

4. Recreate all Scheduled Issues.

  1. Use "Schedule issue" item from the Issue "More" menu (1) as presented below:

Unfortunately, Scheduled Issues cannot be moved (transferred) to other project, but we have it on our Roadmap:

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