The Scheduler
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Failed & Incomplete executions
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Manual Execution features
The Scheduler for Jira Cloud
Release Notes
Scheduled Issues table overview
Edit triggers
Documentation - all on single page
The Scheduler for Jira Cloud - Documentation
Why all Scheduled Issues turn into Inactive Automatically?
Cannot set Request Type in Jira Cloud
Using Issue Checklist with Scheduler
Cannot find Active Sprint while creating new Scheduler Issue
Mismatch between marketplace and displayed version
Why do I get an info about expired session?
Scheduled Issue fails - ,,There are multiple active sprints" error
Why can't I define a Trigger that is more frequent than an hour?
Why am I getting "Timeout" alert every now and then?
Why each of the issues created by your add-on have "The Scheduler" set as "creator"?
Why The Scheduler user does not have "Administer Project" and "Create Issue" permission?
What are application scopes?
Why The Scheduler needs the ‘ADMIN’ scope?
Can I migrate Jira Cloud to another Jira Cloud instance?
What happens when the creator of Scheduled Issue become a disabled user?
Manage columns in SI table [DC only]
Export upcoming executions to CSV
Dedicated JQL functions
Creation of Scheduled Issue
Bulk operations [new]
Manage Scheduled Issues - Administrators
Predefined variables
Author of auto generated comments
The Scheduler 5.x documentation
Data Security and Privacy Statement
How-to articles
FAQ - Find answer to your question
The Scheduler Cloud - status information page
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The Scheduler
Cannot find Active Sprint while creating new Scheduler Issue
Cannot find Active Sprint while creating new Scheduler Issue
Robert Jurski (Unlicensed)