Initial blog post ;)

Initial blog post ;)

We want to start sharing more info about: The Scheduler, our team and work we are currently doing.

This won’t be over-hyped marketing blog - we want to focus on bringing you value and updates… more about that soon.

As for the recent changes: we are currently working on some documentation updates - we are aware that some of the pages are quite outdated. We want to bring Cloud and Data Center documentation closer together - so that you could make better informed decision and easily spot differences. We will be also providing you some ‘how to’ articles, which might help you to increase app usage and efficiency!

Here are 2 recent articles about the ‘creator’ in context of The Scheduler:

How to find issues created by The Scheduler (Cloud)

How to use Owner in The Scheduler (Data Center, Server)


If you have any hacks or awesome usage examples, please contact us at thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net

If you want us to cover some topic also let us know, our team will look into your case and try to come up with some solution



Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net