General - Import

General - Import

Import Jira issues using favourite Jira filters or build JQL expressions.

You can even save your JQL expression as a new filter.

When issues are imported you can edit available fields.

With Refresh button you can check Jira for any updates in imported issues.

Import is the first section of General view of Excel 365 Connector.

It’s marked green color on the below screen.

Import section

Import modes:


Standard mode

You can import issues:

  • From Jira filters

  • By building personalized JQL

Importing issues using Jira filters:

Import using filters
  1. In active “Filter” tab view. (1)

  2. Select filter from dropdown. (2)

    • Displayed filters are your favourite filters in Jira. To make filter favourite click a star icon next to its name in Jira.

    • To refresh list of favourite filters use the refresh icon on bottom of filters list. (3)

  3. Use the “Import” button to fetch issues

Import issues using JQL:

  1. Select JQL tab. (1)

  2. Input JQL language expression. (2)

    • Please note that when switching from the Filter tab to JQL, the selected filter will be automatically translated to JQL, allowing you to make changes smoothly.

  3. Optionally: you can save your JQL expression as new Jira filter. (3) General - Import | Saving JQL expression as filter from Excel 365 Connector

  4. Use the ‘Import’ button to fetch issues (4)

In both of these method final step is to click “Import (1) button to fetch issues. All issues matching criteria will appear on the sheet, with default set of columns.

If you find the need to update the current view, the "Refresh" (2) option can be a valuable tool. Additionally, it proves useful in the event of an error during data editing in the spreadsheet, allowing you to reset or reload the information for accurate and up-to-date records.

After importing data to Excel, connection icon will change:

From Not Managed


Into Managed


Connection icon indicates that there is a metadata available for currently active worksheet

Another thing that appears after importing issues is the Last used filter (1). If the data was imported by using JQL tab view, the Filter from JQL label will be displayed (2)


After Excel will restart, if the issues were fetching through the Filter, the Last used filter it will be displayed as the active filter(1), if by the JQL - will be open with label name: Filter from jql (2). After clicking on the name it will open the JQL</> tab with a last used query.

When app is open for the first time on worksheet, then first ‘Reported by me’ filter will be open with no Last used filter label.

If new sheet or app is open for the first time on, then first “Reported by me” filter will be open with no Last used filter label.

The Last used filter will be kept until the data is re-imported.

To check for updates in presented on sheet issues → Use the Refresh (1) button (eg. 20 issues visible, it will check only those 20 issues)

To check for new issuesUse import feature (eg. filter returned 10 issues, but new issues were created and it should show 15 issues)

Tip 1: It is a good idea to check for updates, before making your own changes. Especially, if you didn’t make any changes for a while, because your data might be outdated.

Tip 2: Consider adding ‘fetch fresh issues’ to your routine, when you open the spreadsheet.

Tip 3: You can always open a new worksheet and check for the filter/jql results.

Saving JQL expression as filter from Excel 365 Connector

When you build your own JQL to find related issues, you can use an option ‘Save as filter’, to use it in future. In the pop up window you need to add a name for your new filter (1), then set the checkbox responsible for Favorites (2) and click Save (3).

Read-only mode

Before clicking Import you can set checkbox ‘Read only’ (1).

Fetching issues in read-only mode allows you to pull raw issue data from Jira. Be aware using this mode, that worksheet will not be managed by Excel 365 Connector and changes will not be tracked. Therefore you won't be able to send any changes to Jira.

Refresh (2) button is disabled in this mode, you are only able to view your issues (4) after clicking Import (3).

What next? After you import issues you can edit them or create new issues. To send those changes to Jira you need to export changes: General - Export

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