Refreshing sheet

Refreshing sheet

If you want to discard changes on your sheet or update issues that are present on it you can use the “Refresh button (1). The use of the “Refresh” function is also required after enable/disable Dropdown list support and after making changes to the Date formatting display to update spreadsheet.

After clicking, the "Refresh" dialog window will appear, requiring confirmation for the selected refresh option. Click "Refresh (2) to confirm.

After all the sheet is refreshed.

refresh all sheet.png
Refresh all

Refresh Selected

This option allows for refreshing selected cells and rows. It proves beneficial when a user has edited numerous cases and wishes to discard changes to only specific ones. The user needs to select these issues and utilize the "Refresh Selected" option.

For the user manual: When editing tasks retrieved from Jira, in case of an editing error or incorrect data entry, utilize the "Refresh Selected" option on a specific task or tasks to revert them to their state before import. This approach avoids refreshing the entire spreadsheet and restarting the entire workflow.

Edited issues.png
Edited issues

To refresh specific cells, simply select them (Ctrl + Left Mouse Button) (1) and click the Refresh button. In the dialog box, choose the "Refresh Selected" (2) option, the number indicates the count of selected issues to be refreshed. Confirm the operation by clicking the Refresh button (3).

After all, the selected issues will be restored to their pre-edit values.

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