About view

About section contains 3 tabs:



About (1) contains three subsections:

  • Software Information (2) - information about the browser and operating system used by Excel Connector 365

  • Application Information (3) - the number of the installed version of Excel Connector 365

  • Jira Information (4) - information about the Jira instance, such as platform and addon version


Colors (1) is the last subsection of the About menu. Here you will find information on how to enable ,,Automatically coloring cells” (2). There is also a legend of colors used in Excel cells (3).

Here you can see coloring in action:

Light Green

That’s the row, where will be data for new issue.


Fields required to create a new issue.


Wrong data eg. not existing issue type / wrong field format.


Field blocked by settings in Jira / Data cannot be formatted.


There was a change in priority field.


This is the row where changes occur.

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: excel365connector@psc-software.atlassian.net