Notification Bar
"Don't worry, a Warning isn't the end of the world , and you can often resolve it on your own. However, in some instances, you may need to seek assistance from your Jira administrator. Warnings may appear when:
incorrect data was entered in the Excel sheet, e.g. wrong format; typo;
project not exist in Jira;
required fields are not displayed in the current schema;
Upon selecting the yellow warning icon (1), a warning notification dialog window will be displayed.
In the Warning dialog window (1) you will see more details: type and description of the problem (2). After reading details, you should close the dialog window (3) and verify your data. When everything is corrected, warning icon will disappear.
With the update to version 2.10.0
, the functionality of searching for the cell to which the Warning prompt applies has been implemented.
Just simply click on the issue key name in the opened Warning dialog window and the cell to which the prompt warning applies will be selected immediately.
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Error icons are red. When errors occur a red error icon will appear (1). After clicking on that icon, an error dialog widow will be displayed.
Some errors may be caused by users, Jira, Excel or Excel 365 Connector. In most cases, after opening the error dialog window, there should be a clear explanation of the problem, allowing you to solve it.
Error dialog window (1) contains information about the error’s type and its description (2). After reading details and solving the problem you can clear notifications (3) and close the dialog window. If you find that you cannot dismiss the notification and the error keeps coming back, you should consider reaching out to our support team. To do so, Copy Logs (4) and then visit our Support (5) page. Once there, you can submit a bug report by providing all the necessary information.
When unexpected application behaviour occurs and you cannot solve it, please contact our Support:
Make sure to take a screenshot of the workbook with error details visible
Send us screenshot of the application environment details: About view | About
Include Excel 365 Connector logs Settings | Logger
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