General - Export

General - Export

First you need to import some issues to get the metadata from projects.

Then use the Export button to send changes in imported issues to your Jira instance.

Also you can create new Jira issues (using Create button), it will create a new row for issue.

Creating new issue can be initialized also by '#' sign.

Excel 365 Connector allows you edit Jira issues in Excel then export (send) those changes back to Jira.

In this section we will cover topics like preparing new/edited issues for export and finally sending changes.

After General - Import you can edit all the issues you are interested in (1) by moving the cursor to the row with the issue and editing the column associated with the Jira Issue field.

Jira permissions and restrictions apply, eg. if you cannot change priority in Jira → you won't be able to send those changes to Jira

Issue view

Editing imported issue

When you look at the sheet with fetched issues you will see cells with white and grey background color.

To make changes to issues to just click on the cell. in the row of the issue which you want to change the value for that cell, eg. change summary, or assignee.

Issue edition

When you start editing cell those colors will change:

  1. Yellow - values in these fields can be edited

  2. Orange - you have already edited in Excel (e.g. change in issue type or description)

  3. Grey - fields that cannot be edited (it might be related to issue permission or other Jira restrictions)

Creating new issue

You need to import some issues to get the metadata from projects.

Create button

To add a new issue just click Create (1) button, it will create new row in the spreadsheet starting with '#' in the Key column.

Now you need to fill fields with dark green color (2) - those are required fields. Moreover, when you choose project and issue type → metadata will be checked and required fields for this combination will be marked with dark green also.

Light green (3) color will mark other (optional) fields available for edition eg. Description, Assignee, Priority, Fix Version.

Use '#' sign

You can also create new issue, just by typing '#' in the key column, it works just the same as the create button, but it can speed up the process for creation of multiple new issues

Exporting data

When you are ready either with editing existing data or creating new issues (1), just click Export (2) button.

A pop up window will appear with information about changed and new issues

You will be informed about the number of new and edited Issues (1). When you click Export (2), the data will be sent to your Jira instance. If all goes well you will notice changes in colors.



Exporting data - Insufficient License

In case of the wrong license eg. expired or missing licence, you will see appropriate message, then please contact your Jira administrator to verify if there is valid license applied in Jira.


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