Can I use ScriptRunner with The Scheduler?

Can I use ScriptRunner with The Scheduler?

Please note that this page is related to v6.6.7 of The Scheduler and v8.29.0 of The Scriptrunner.

Both apps are actively developed by different vendors. Therefore, it may happen that applications will no longer be compatible with each other in the future. In such cases, please contact our support using customer portal: The Scheduler

Scheduled Issue wizard used for creating and editing SI is compatible with ScriptRunner. Initializer script and scripts related to the fields should be executed effectively. It means that fields will be also updated dynamically.

However, there are some limitations:

  • The scripts will not work at all when the wizard is opened from the Manage Scheduled Issues panel (available only for administrators by going to Jira Administration → Manage apps → Manage Scheduled Issues)

  • While fields will be updated dynamically based on scripts, they will be set as required only visually. Those fields will not be validated, so even If they will be market with an asterisk. It means that user will be able to go to the next step/create issue without filling them.

If you want to eliminate those limitations, you can turn on the experimental feature in Global Settings.

To open them you need to go to Administration → Manage Apps→ Global Settings.

By switching toggle to “ON” (1) you will enable fields validation from ScriptRunners Behaviours.

Experimental feature in Global Settings


Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: thescheduler@psc-software.atlassian.net