Authentication - Cloud

Authentication - Cloud

Last step to login is verification of your API token.

You need to generate an API token, it needs to be done once, this token will be used to authenticate you across all your cloud instances How to generate API token

Login to Jira cloud it’s a 3 step process:

  1. Provide Jira URL

  2. Provide API token

  3. Verify access in browser

    1. Verify in Excel

If app is installed on that Jira instance you will see a general view. You can start importing issues and creating new ones.


In app info:

Authentication details

  1. Enter Jira URL

  2. Create API token. Learn more

  3. In form below paste your API token.

  4. When you use 'Submit' button 2 things will happen: 

    • New page will open up in your browser - on that page, choose Jira Cloud which you want to access and use 'Accept'.

    • In Excel you will see Authorization view, after you are done with step 3.a - use the 'Verify authorization' button.

  5. If successful, you will see general page.

Note: Due to security reasons, you will have to use token each time you login through app.

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