Raw import (read-only mode)
Raw import (read-only mode)
From version 1.7.0 there is possibility to faster import a lot of data from Jira. To use this, you need to tick “Read only” checkbox before fetching issues. If you need to process large sets of data for reporting or calculation without the need to update particular issues - this is the best way.
Read only mode
It is read-only mode, so you can’t send changes made in Excel to Jira on this sheet.
When fetching data from Jira, results are limited to 100 000 issues in this mode.
View of data in Read only mode
Tip: Remember you can open a new worksheet and using JQL find issues which you are interested in editing eg, by simple JQL referring to specific issue keys: issue in (key-1, key-2)
Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: excel365connector@psc-software.atlassian.net