TaskWhiz origins story

TaskWhiz origins story

We all need a help sometimes!

Some people won't admit it, but yeah, everyone needs help at some point.

Ever had one of those days at work when even tying your shoes feels like rocket science? Yeah, me too. Sometimes we blow stuff out of proportion, thinking a small task is gonna end the world. Other times, we just chill and let things pile up until we can't ignore them. And don’t even get me started on those days when we're super pumped to work, but by the time we're in the zone, it's time to pack up.

And you know what? Even if we're all set to go, stuff can still hit the fan. Miss a little detail or forget a guideline, and boom, all that effort down the drain.

So, what do we do? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. We’re all unique, but in many ways, we’re the same. There are probably loads of folks who think like you do, even if you haven’t met 'em yet.

Anyway, let's chat about apps for a sec...

What about AI? Ever wondered if you can ask an AI the same thing twice and get the same answer? I was curious, so when I started working on TaskWhiz, I had this idea: what if we had an app to help us get stuff done without all the fuss? Something easy to use that points you in the right direction. Like having a buddy who knows a lot, ready to break things down for you.

Playing around with AI, I noticed it could chop up big tasks into smaller bits. It might not be perfect every time, but if you compare how long it takes us to do things versus asking the AI, the AI’s got a head start. Whether that’s because the AI is just really good at guessing or because I wasn’t clear enough, who knows? People have their off days too, right?

So, here's what I came up with for TaskWhiz:

  1. ELI5 Insight - Basically, what’s the deal and how do we tackle it? If you can explain it to a 5-year-old, you're golden.

  1. Break it Down - Big stuff? Slice it into smaller stuff. This helps you see what you're dealing with. It might not always hit the mark right away, but hey, we learn as we go.

  2. Get it Done - With everything laid out, just dive in and start ticking things off.

  1. Pulse Check - Even when we think we’ve got everything under control, curveballs happen. Maybe you missed a comment or forgot some detail. This part’s for a quick reality check.

  2. Feedback - I wanna know what you think! It’s easy to rant when stuff goes wrong, and sure, big wins get all the applause. But those tiny things that make life smoother? They deserve some love too.


TaskWhiz - is here to help!

