How to move Vacation Manager to another Jira instance

How to move Vacation Manager to another Jira instance

  1. In old instance:
    1.2 Export created vacation document to CSV file:
    1.2.1 Go to Vacation Manager's project. Then "View all issues and filters" button. Next expand "Export" and select "CSV(All fields)"

  2. In new instance:
    2.1 Install Vacation Manager
    2.2 Create initial setup
    2.3 Create Team/s in Vacation Manager - add users and supervisors
    2.4 Create similar Vacation types like in old instance
    2.5 Add Vacations to users in "Manage Vacation Definitions"
    2.6 Add holiday scheme and workweek scheme to users like in old instane

  3. Import file from point 1.2 by "External system import" - System(Import and export section )
    3.1 1st step - Select file and CSV delimiter
    3.2 2nd step - in "Import to Project" field select "Vacation Manager"
    3.3 3rd step: select fields:
    - Creator - reporter
    - Custom field (End Date) - End date
    - Custom field (Half of day) - Half of day
    - Custom field (Period type) - Period type
    - Custom field (Start Date) - Start date
    - Custom field (Start Time) - Start Time
    - Custom field (Statistics) - Statistics
    - Custom field (Substitute) - Substitute
    - Custom field (Supervisor) - Supervisor
    - Custom field (Teams) - Teams
    - Custom field (Time period) - Time Period
    - Custom field (Used vacation days) - Used Vacation Days
    - Custom field (Used vacation minutes) - Used vacation minutes
    - Issue Type - Issue Type
    - Summary - Summary
    3.5 Import issues

  4. All imported issues are in "created" status and HR member or supervisor should approve imported vacation documents.
    You can also use "Bulk changes" option to change statuses in all imported vacation documents:

    • In 1st step select all choosen vacation documents

    • In 2nd step select "Transition issues"

    • In 3rd step select "Created" to "Waiting for approval"

    • In 4th step approve changes.

    • Replay above steps but in 3rd step you need select "Waiting for approval" to "approved".

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