

In this section Jira Administrators can manage the Vacation Manager configuration and adjust it to organization needs.

To access this panel as an Administrator go from  ➜ Manage apps (1)Vacation Manager ➜ Configuration (2)

Vacation Manager Configuration

There are multiple options to choose, we decided to group them in expandable sections


General settings related to visibility of items and recalculation of data

Option in General section
  • Project - name of the project configured and used by Vacation Manager

  • Recalculate vacation hours - in Vacation Manager all recurring type vacations are extended by the end of the period, and if carry over option is selected unused days will be rewritten (added) to next period. So this option specify when such actions will be executed.

  • Allow users to view team statistics - user is allow to view statistics of their teammates, it can be managed on Team settings level

  • Show inactive users - to remove the clutter in HR views it allows to hides inactive (not deleted from Jira) users

  • Worklog hours per day - determinate source of work log hours per day. There are two possible sources: Default Jira hours per work day or Vacation Manager configured workweek scheme,

  • Default values job - determinate in which time of day the default vacation type instances are added to newly added users in the defined teams of the Vacation Manager.

  • Interval in minutes picker - interval of minutes - range 1-30 minutes, this is used e.g if minimal break is 15 min

  • Hide unused vacation types - hides unused/not applicable for current user vacation types from issue type picker. Eg. if you configure app to use different vacation types across different offices around the globe, with this option if user doesn't have assigned vacation days in particular issue type, this issue type won’t be visible


Allows to set the Jira summary settings to be filled automatically and meet organization standards

  • Auto-summary - option allows to hide the summary field in Vacation Document creation views. Summary will be hidden and filled automatically by value defined in one the Auto-summary text fields.

  • Auto-summary text (…) - defines how it will be generate a summary field value. Because there are 3 types leave periods daily, half day, hourly there are special variables available only for them, all applicable variables are displayed under that fields

  • reporter - reporter of an issue,

  • supervisor - supervisor chosen by reporter while creating an issue,

  • startDate - requested start date,

  • endDate - requested end date,

  • vacationDays - vacation days used by request,

  • vacationType - name of requests vacation type,

  • description - value from description field,

  • created - date when Vacation Document was first created,

  • holidayScheme - holiday scheme used by reporter,

  • workweekScheme - workweek scheme used by reporter,

  • usedTime - sum of all used days,

  • carryOverTime - time from previous period,

  • vacationHalfOfDay - half of day used by request (only in Auto-summary text for half day time periods),

  • vacationStartTime - requested start time(only in Auto-summary text for hourly time periods),

  • vacationEndTime - requested end time (only in Auto-summary text for hourly time periods) ,

  • vacationHours - vacation hours used by request (only in Auto-summary text for hourly time periods),

  • vacationMinutes - vacation minutes used by request (only in Auto-summary text for hourly time periods),

  • vacationMinutesSum - sum of minutes used by request (only in Auto-summary text for hourly time periods),

  • timeZone - abbreviation of Timezone (only in Auto-summary text for hourly time periods),

  • timeZoneFull - full name of Timezone (only in Auto-summary text for hourly time periods).

  • Auto-summary Timezone - Timezone displayed in auto-summary

If you would like to get some summary ideas visit: Auto-summary - examples

User vacation warning

In this section, you decided what kind of information should be displayed under user pickers in case of user being on vacation or planning vacations (or any other type of leave)

  • User vacation warning - displays warning globally in all Jira issue user picker fields, when selected user is currently on vacation or holiday

    • Show for holidays - displays warning of holiday (from Holiday scheme)

    • Show multiple absences for user - displays more than one vacation warning

  • User vacation warnings for anonymous - displays warnings near user picker fields for anonymous,

  • User picker warning colors - ability to change text colors used in warnings to match your Jira color theme,

  • Days before user vacation warning - number of days before user’s leave showing user picker warning about upcoming absence,

  • User picker warning Timezone - timezone used to generate date & time values from variables

  • On vacation / incoming vacations warning - text displayed  when user is on vacation or have upcoming vacation,

  • On holiday / incoming holiday warning - text displayed when user is on holiday or have upcoming holiday.

For some ideas and examples check: User vacation warnings - examples


Currently there is one global group to edit - HR group.

When editing groups, you will be able to select option Create new schemes. This option specifies if actual Jira schemes (e.g. permission, notification) in Vacation manager project will be overwritten by new schemes created with new groups.

  • If the option NO is selected, old schemes with old groups will remain assigned to project and administrator should modify them manually.

  • If option YES is selected new schemes will be created and assigned to project but these schemes do not base on an old ones. Instead, it will be composed of basic Vacation Manager schemes without any changes provided by user in previous schemes. Previous schemes will not be deleted, so administrator should do it himself/herself.

Custom Fields

It’s all done and set up for you, but in large organizations there might be a need to re-use some of the fields or modify them to you needs.

  • Chart - displays statistics in a pie chart form, with selected and available vacation days,

  • Teams - labels field

  • Period type field - radio button where user can select period type,

  • Start/End date pickers - date pickers where user can select start and end date of an absence. Those fields are used internally for calculating used days,

  • Start time pickers - date time picker where user can select start time of an absence. These field is used internally for calculating used days,

  • Time period picker - minutes picker where user can select time of absence,

  • Half of day - radio button field where user can select half of day,

  • Supervisor field - single user picker with supervisor selected by reporter. Supervisor will be able to review and accept vacation request. After manually editing this field, you must configure this field to filter only users from Supervisors group,

  • Substitute person - single user picker, contains information about coverage person on reporters absence,

  • Used vacation days - number field with vacation days used by vacation request. This field is automatically calculated,

  • Used vacation minutes - number field with vacation minutes used by vacation request. This field is automatically calculated.

When editing custom fields you will be able to select option Migrate data. When selected, data from changed fields will be copied to newly selected fields. This operation will be performed ONLY on Vacation Documents (Issues created in Vacation Document project).


Status IDs from advanced configuration are used in Vacation Manager to distinguish three types of vacation documents: approved, cancelled and waiting for approval. Those statuses are used to filter out documents,

Any unmapped status will be treated as "waiting for approval" state, so all approved and rejected statuses must be configured here.


  • Integrity Checker - Check and fix invalid entities in the database e.g. missing vacation document or users

  • Delete configuration - In case you want to clear all Vacation Manager app data and remove all its data from your database. Please be aware that this will remove ONLY app data from your database. All Jira Integration Elements (like Jira project, Issues, Permission scheme etc.) will be left intact and you need to remove them manually.

Next Vacation Manager admin configuration - Managing Vacation Types

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Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: vacationmanager@psc-software.atlassian.net