User vacation warnings - examples
Vacation Manager allows you to display information about user absences when creating an issue. Thanks to this, you will not mistakenly assign tasks to a person that plans to be absent for a few days. Such notifications are displayed next to the user picker fields and are set using the User vacation warning section in the configuration.
To make your work easier, we prepared some templates with exemplary output that can be used in your firm. You can use them as it is, or adjust them to your company’s standards.
To read more about particular fields, visit: Configuration | User vacation warning
On vacation warning
is on ${vacationType} from ${startDate} until ${endDate}. Please contact: ${substitute}
User1 is on Sick Leave from 19/Dec/22 until 23/Dec/22. Please contact: User2
is on leave from ${startDate} until ${endDate}. Please contact: ${substitute}
User1 is on leave from 19/Dec/22 until 23/Dec/22. Please contact: User2
On leave until ${endDate} (${timeToEndOfLeave} left)
User1 On leave until 23/Dec/22 (4 day(s) left)
On ${vacationType} ${periodTime}
User1 On Sick Leave 19/Dec/22 - 23/Dec/22
Incoming vacation warning
will start a leave in ${timeToStartOfLeave} (${startDate} - ${endDate})
User1 will start a leave in 5 day(s) (24/Dec/22 - 27/Dec/22)
will start ${vacationType} in ${timeToStartOfLeaveLabel}
User1 will start Casual Leave in 5 days
Upcoming absence: ${periodTime}
User1 Upcoming absence: 24/Dec/22 - 27/Dec/22
On ${vacationType} in ${timeToStartOfLeaveLabel}. Substitute: ${substitute}
User1 On Casual Leave in 5 days. Substitute: User2
On holiday warning:
On holiday leave ${date}
User1 On holiday leave 19/Dec/22
is on holiday (${description}) ${date}
User1 is on holiday (New Year’s Day) 1/Jan/23
Incoming holiday warning:
Upcoming holiday leave ${date}
User1 Upcoming holiday leave 1/Jan/23
will be on holiday (${description}) ${date}
User1 will be on holiday (New Year’s Day) 1/Jan/23
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