Customized vacation warnings

Customized vacation warnings

Since version 2.0.0 you can customize user vacation warnings!

You can now compose vacation warnings having all the needed details and compose it in the way that you company communicates!

To change this message to to "Configuration" in Vacation Manager panel. Remember this is a global setting - same for all users, and visible in all user pickers.

 Make sure you have "User vacation warning" feature set to Yes - it is default configuration.

As you can see there are 2 types of warnings:

  1. On vacation warningText that is displayed globally, when user is currently on leave. 

  2. Incoming vacation warningText that is displayed globally when user have upcoming leave. 

Both of these warnings use almost the same type of variables which are filled with details from the vacation document.

You can use special variables:

  • ${vacationType}

  • ${startDate}

  • ${endDate}

  • ${periodTime}

  • ${substitute}

  • ${lengthOfLeave}

Difference is in calculated time variables.

For on vacation warning:

  • ${timeToEndOfLeave}

  • ${timeToEndOfLeaveLabel}

For incoming vacation warning:

  • ${timeToStartOfLeave}

  • ${timeToStartOfLeaveLabel}

With the use variables you can create customized vacation warnings, here you have some examples, feel free to use it or modify to your needs:

On vacation warning:

  • On leave until ${endDate} - default

  • Hey I'm on vacation until ${endDate} 

  • I'm on leave until ${endDate}, please contact ${substitute}

  • I'm on leave for next ${timeToEndOfLeave}, ${substitute} should be able to help

  • ... 

Incoming vacation warning

  • Upcoming leave ${timeToStartOfLeaveLabel} (${startDate} - ${endDate}) - default

  • Hey, I will be on leave starting ${startDate}. Are you sure you want me to do it?

  • I will be on leave starting ${startDate}, maybe contact ${substitute}

  • This user will be on vacation ${timeToStartOfLeaveLabel}, consider substitute: ${substitute}

  • Sorry, I will be on leave ${timeToStartOfLeaveLabel}, consider asking ${substitute}

  • ...

If you make a mistake or want to get back default messages, you can always use the refresh button to restore original messages.

 Note: You can also customize when the message should start to be displayed. You can do this by setting "Days before user vacation warning", it is set to 7 by default.

Here is an example of both of the warning messages usage:

  1. configuration:

  2. Warnings while creating issue, as you can see warning is visible on create (and edit) issue screen, after user is chosen. It allows to reconsider decision of assigning critical issues to user being on leave or going on leave.

    Note: It is just a warning, decision is yours - if you use create button issue will be created 

  3. This warning have a global range, so you can see it even on tickets already created. Example from the view screen in newly created issue:

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