Documentation preamble [2.x]

Documentation preamble [2.x]

Contrary to previously released and described versions of Vacation Manager for Jira, this version's documentation aims to act as a bridge linking previously described functionality with new features requested by our existing (and hopefully) future customers. By doing so, our clients can quickly find requested features and avoid pushing through pages that were already browsed to limit unnecessary information overload.

All new features are described on standalone pages of 2.x documentation's section version.

Current version has not removed any of the earlier features.

By default all previously created leaves, after upgrade to version 2.x of the add-on, are set as daily leaves. Jira administrator is able to edit any existing vacation type and change type of request to a desired one, so users will be able to request half-day or hourly leaves as well.

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: vacationmanager@psc-software.atlassian.net