Worklog support [2.2.x]

Worklog support [2.2.x]

Following clients' requests about logging approved vacation time to worklog, since version 2.2.x, new functionality enables to add used days/hours to approved vacation document's worklog. It can be turned on, or off by Jira administrator.

Before proceeding with further steps Jira administrator must set how working hours should be logged on daily basis. To do it, access "Add-ons" (1), Vacation Manager Configuration (2) and find an option named "Worklog hours per day" (3):

 After making changes please do not forget about pressing "Save" (4) button

"Jira time tracking working hours" is set by default and you can expect similar outcome as explained below:

Directly after following the above, you won't see "Time Tracking" section in your requests (like on the below image). Check on the bottom of this page under "Enabling or disabling saving used time to worklog" header, for more information how to enable it.

Saving used time to worklog, using Jira time tracking working hours:

After approving a requested leave by user's line manager, values present under "Time Tracking (1) section are populated, in accordance with settings of Jira time tracking if saving used time to worklog option is enabled:

Saving used time to worklog, using Vacation's Manager user workweek scheme

If "Vacation Manager user workweek scheme" option is selected, when saving used time to worklog option is enabled, hours per day of chosen working hour scheme is used as a source for vacation types time tracking calculation. It is present under the same "Time Tracking" section of an issue, as in the above presented picture.

Enabling or disabling saving used time to worklog

To get to the described feature, open Jira administration menu (1) and access "Add-ons" (2), then click on "Vacation Types" (3). In an newly loaded content, find a leave that you wish to edit, or if it doesn't exist use "Add new Vacation Type" button (4).

If a new vacation type is created, then you can expect to see such screen:

To enable logging approved vacation time to worklog, select "Yes" in the marked above position (1↑).

In case of edition of an already existing vacation type, correspondingly this option (1↓), option named the same needs to be ticked:

When it is set correctly, then user's time of requested vacation automatically becomes filled and visible in an opened issue's "Time Tracking" section (1↓):

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: vacationmanager@psc-software.atlassian.net