Fields Schema

Fields Schema


This section allows to user :

  • Create/add new custom fields schemas

  • select previously set and save schemas

  • changing the settings of saved used /active schemas

  • delete an unused schemas

User can set a new schema before importing data from Jira and also after import data.

Setting a new Schema before downloading data is slightly faster because the EC365 does not make any changes by adding or hiding columns as it is does after data import

Add new Field Schema

Go to the Schema menu (1), in the Current section you will find information about the currently used schema (2) and whether this schema is used as the default one for Excel sheets (3) (green pin - schema pinned as default, gray pin schema used only in displayed sheet ). Below there is a button Change Schema (4) where all previously saved schemas are located.


To add a new / anather one Field Scheme, just select in the Fields section which fields are to be visible and which are not (5) using the toggle, and if necessary, you can change the order of the columns displayed using the "Reorder" option (6) Schema | Reorder and save the schema as New (7); specifying the name of the new scheme (8) and clicking the Save button (9).



Saved schemas will be visible in app across excel workbooks (that means, it is saved not in sheet so is visible in each excel workbook).

Schemas are saved by instance, so if user is using 2 different Jira, schemas created in one Jira Instance will not be available on another, this is because custom fields have different ID in each Jira, even fields like Epic name etc. are custom fields so currently there is no possibility to use same schema across different Jira

Save / Edit Field Schema

When the user makes some changes to the current schema, can save them using the Save button (1), overwriting the current schema or New+ (2) schema (except the Default fields set). While making changes, a yellow triangle (3) icon is visible informing that the changes have not been saved yet. Changes before saving the schema can be undone by pressing the Restore (4) button.

Delete Field Schema

Each Field Schema previously saved by the user can be deleted, to do this, click Change Schema (1) button and select the bin (2) icon.

Edit Schema name

Each Schema saved by the user can be renamed, just click on the “Pencil” (1) button icon, then change the name of the selected scheme, enter the new name in field (2) and then confirm with the Save (3) button.

Change default schema

While in the Schema menu in Fields section click the Change Schema button and select the required scheme (1). Then just click the gray pin 2. The pin will turn green and the selected scheme will now be the “default” one and now it will be applied to every new opened sheet.


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