Settings (1) section allows to unlock some features not categorized elsewhere and give you access to application logs in case of needed support, in details:
When contacting support we might ask you to send app logs. Here you can select type of logger level, chose Logs everything to get the most details.
Active (days): is the number how long logs are persistent.
With the Connector for Jira update to version 2.10.0
, the Logger menu has been rebuilt.
The Logger section is responsible for configuring log sensitivity (log level) and obtaining application logs.
In case of any application errors, please include logs in your reported issue, this will speed up the support process.
There are 3 logger levels:
None (1) - don’t gather any logs
Errors (2) - gather only error information in the logs
All (3) - logs every situation, etc. warnings, errors, data fetch - use this option to log & report issues which can be reproduced
Logs stay in your worksheet, but you can change the number of days to keep them active (1). Use Download (2) button to save directly to a .txt file or using Copy (3) option to copy current logs to your clipboard.
After executing the required option Download or Copy information about the operation performed is displayed at the bottom of the Excel Connector (1). In the case of Download the logs, a window appeared (desktop Excel app example) where you can open the saved logs, go to the file location or delete the downloaded logs(2).
Logs can be copied to clipboard directly from the Error message (1).
Remember to include logs in case of any bug reports, here is our support: Support Portal
Live user fetching
This option is available only on Jira Cloud;
Search for users newly added/created inside your Jira instance, not available in metadata during import.
Use this if you cannot find Jira users, but you are sure those are valid users.
Check this option if you cannot find users on the sheet, but you are sure they exist in Jira. It will search for those users live in Jira, by default it is turned off.
Excel dropdowns
Enable dropdowns list support (1) it allows you to disabled or re-enabled the drop-down list feature for supported fields. After disable / enable feature required is refresh spreadsheet by Refresh button in General menu.
After disable this option, the option remains disabled until re-enabled.
At this moment, the fields supporting the dropdowns are:
Issue Type
Fix Versions
Affects versions
For Issue Type on this moment only Standard Issue Type is supported.
Sub-Task Issue Type is not supported yet.
Dropdowns are not available in Read-only mode
Auto fit columns width
Automatically adjust the column size for data within cells.
Changes are applied, when issues are imported or refreshed.
Auto fit columns width (1) option resizes columns to fit the content inside that column. Each time you import issues, the column size will update to match the size of the longest cell content.
It is not supported in read-only mode
Time in seconds
Time in Second (1) functionality is a new option in our tool that allows the conversion of time specified in larger units such as weeks, days, hours, and minutes into the equivalent number of seconds. This feature has been introduced to provide users with precise and uniform time measurements, particularly useful in project management and time analysis.
This feature is only visible for fields: “Original Estimate” , “Remaining Estimate” , “Time Spent”
Date formatting
This feature is only available since version 2.5.0 of Excel 365 Connector
Date Formatting allows to customize the display format of the date in the columns corresponding to the date / time fields in Jira
After entering the required date display format and refreshing the data in the worksheet ( in General tab ) in the columns corresponding to the date; date / time, the date will be displayed in the requested format
More info about setup Date formatting
and Date formatting | Advanced dates formats
For disable/enable Date Formatting uncheck/check Enable Date Formatting option ( 1 )
Remember to include logs in case of any bug reports, here is our support: Support Portal
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