

To manage of users in Vacation Manager, Hr member need to create Team. There is ability to create multiple teams, each with its own users and supervisors. Both consists of standard Jira Users or Jira Groups.

You can access this panel as HR User from Navigation Bar MenuManagementTeams


Very important!

 Without member(s) added to a team, HR member will not be able to assign particular user(s) with any leave type via "Add vacation" button. Such user(s) simply will stay invisible for HR.

Adding a new team

Before you can fully explore Vacation Manager and its features, first you need to create your first Team. You can do this by using Add new team button on Team Management panel.


After creating your team, you will be redirected to new team edit page where you are able to manage users in it.

Managing team members

To add, or remove users, first you need to find your team in Team Management panel and click Edit to access Edit team panel.


Adding members

For each team you can add supervisors and users using Add supervisor and Add user buttons.


Here you can choose if you want to add users or whole groups. In both cases you can manually specify one, either more user or group names. The same goes for open user/group picker, by clicking icon next to input field.

Removing members

As there are two ways to add members to a team (using single picked users, or with groups), you need to be aware that there also two methods to remove members from team.


As you can see on screenshot above, some users were added using groups (like Supervisor Ethan), while some by using single user add (User Jack). As for the rest - by using both previous methods (admin).

To remove any of them, when:

  • member was added using user addition - simply click Remove user in his Operations column,

  • member was added using group addition - you can remove these users' group from team (using X button on group in a table like the one above). Warning: this will also remove from team all users that were added using this group. So, if you want to add all users from selected group excluding only one user from it, then you need to add them manually by using user addition,

If user was added with both ways: with group and as a single user then you have to remove it both ways.

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