Vacations in Jira navigation bar

Vacations in Jira navigation bar

After Vacation Manger is installed and configured Vacations menu element is added to Jira Navigation bar. Its content depends on the permissions of user currently logged in. Based on access app divides users into groups:

  • Regular users

  • Supervisors

  • HR members

  • Admins

More about permissions in Roles and Permissions

Regular users

If you are logged in on an account, which is only user member, you will see this type of menu (1):

Navigation elements accessible for regular users
  • Create new vacation request - redirects to the page to create new Vacation Document

  • My vacation request - redirects to the issue view screen with predefined JQL filter, personalized to a user.

  • Personal Statistics - redirect to the Statistics page, where user is able to see his/her Vacations' details.


If you are logged in on an account, which is included under a supervisors' group membership, you will see menu like the one below:

Vacation menu elements available for supervisors (only in supervisor role)

 When any user sends a vacation request for approval, supervisor will see how many request are pending for an approval directly in the menu:

Indication about number of documents waiting for approval
  • Request to approve - redirects to the page to issue view screen with ready-made JQL filter set to show documents that require action. Notification number will indicate number of request waiting to be reviewed.

  • Management - redirects to schemes page, where user is able see Holiday schemes and Workweek schemes.

  • Statistics - redirects to the statistics page, where user is able to see Vacation details of any user.

HR members

If you are logged in on an account, which belongs to HR group, you will see such menu as the one below:

Vacation Manager menu elements visible to HR members
  • Management - redirects to the Management page, where HR user is able to manage Vacations of any user.

  • Statistics - redirects to the Statistics page, where user is able to see Vacation details of any user.

Mixed roles

If you are logged into an account which belongs to many groups, then all options are combined. Here you can see all option including the ones for Administrators (as a shortcut links):

All available options

Next Vacation Manager core elements - Roles and Permissions

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