User, HR Staff and Supervisors Management

User, HR Staff and Supervisors Management

In Vacation Manager, please log as a HR group member. Whilst being logged as such, you can assign colleagues with appropriate to their role privileges:

The only menu, which is dependent of Jira's groups is HR Menu. To do all the below, one needs to be assigned by Jira administrator, to Jira's group responsible for HR matter (it is done during Vacation Manager initialization after it is installed):

Whilst being logged as an HR group member, please do the below to grant particular user(s):

Access to Vacation's Manager user menu → 

Access to Vacation's  Manager supervisor menu →

Directly after the add-on installation, such menus menu won't be visible. To get similar view please go to Management (1), access Teams (2). Now you can decide what team you want to create (3). Name should fit its office role (e.g. Service Desk Team)

As stated earlier - to get an access Vacation's Manager user menu, you can name the team as illustrated below, then please click on "Create" button:

Now you should get similar appearance:


Accessed team's edition is displayed on the left hand side (1). As name suggests - button for adding a supervisor is entitled in proper manner (2). The same goes for adding a user button (3).

When appropriate users (or teams) are added by using mentioned above buttons, then its members will be able to see dedicated menu, presented on the top oft this page.

After clicking on "Add Supervisor", or "Add user" you can also add Jira's whole team. By doing so, then it's possible to add to teams previously made groups, with already added people:

Next Vacation Manager HR Management - Managing holidays and workdays

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