Status of user Vacation Document
Checking status of sent Vacation Documents
After requesting vacation using Vacation Document and sending it to supervisor, user have to wait for Supervisor to take action on his document. Supervisor can approve, reject or submit document back to user for more information/correction.
To check status of all Vacation Documents that are pending for supervisor action, user must go to Vacations in Jira navigation bar ➜ User menu ➜ My vacation requests (1).
There user can select Vacation Document and check its Status field (2).
Example of Waiting for approval document.
"Need more info" status
In case supervisor sends back document to user (1), user must check supervisor's comment, provide more information/correct fields if needed and send it back to supervisor.
Cancelling approved Vacation Document
Accepted Vacation Document can be cancelled (2), but only Supervisor who approved (1/3) it can do this. In this case user must contact his supervisor and ask to cancel his/her approved vacations.
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