Implementing Post Function Template into workflow [2.4.x]

Implementing Post Function Template into workflow [2.4.x]

1) Whilst being logged as a JIRA administrator in your JIRA instance, click on the cog icon (1) in the right upper corner of the screen and select "Projects" (2):

2) From a Project list please access a proper one by clicking on its name:

3) Scroll down a little bit and find "Workflows" (1), then click on pencil icon next to the workflow assigned to a particular project's issue type (2). On a newly loaded page you can then edit a desired workflow's elements.

4) Switch view to 'Diagram" by clicking the diagram button (1) to get a view similar as below:

5) Then, on the diagram select a transition that poses an interest to you to act as a trigger for launching an email. When selected, it'll be highlighted in blue (1). Then click on "Post functions" link in the box on the right hand side (2):

6) Next, as shown below, you need to access "Add post function" link (1):

7) Then please select the adequate post function (1) to be included in a desired transition by pressing "Add" (2) button:

8) Select the created earlier template (1) and click "Add" (2):

9) Make sure that the template is listed in post function list (1), then click "Publish" (2) to add it to the workflow:

Jira by default add new post function on first position, we recommend move this post function on last one

10) Email is to be sent when transitioning to the next step (in accordance with the workflow).

Feel free to tell us what topic should be covered: mailtask@psc-software.atlassian.net